It’s Like Who Needs AI To Write For Them? Seriously.

Jenna O
Dec 31, 2022

Is this a thing?

Oh it is?


I think I just heard every English teacher or professor I ever had uhhhh…well if they were not already rolling over in their graves over my lack of a book deal then…

Wait, I’m gonna need an intern to fact check the status of the mortality on all my past and (why the hell not?) future creative nonfiction professors I may have had or will have had in the future present tense of…yo I haven’t been to school in a long time…

Maybe this AI content writing nonsense is uhh…

Wait what?



Jenna O

Jenna O is an artist, photographer, writer, and cool aunt. Diagnosed with endometriosis, interstitial cystitis, IBS, fibromyalgia, and bad luck! She lolz.